
Sunday yoga therapy at yoga lounge for arthritis pain

Sunday yoga at yoga lounge – The debilitating effects of arthritis can affect a person’s life physically and emotionally.

Sunday yoga

A mind-body fitness routine can help maintain joint mobility and provide gentle health benefits while also boosting self-esteem, relieving stress, and alleviating depression. The classroom or studio structure and personal attention of instructors can also help encourage patients to stick with a regular practice and achieve the greatest long term benefits.

Get Moving to Feel Better

One of the major recommendations for ongoing arthritis pain management is an active lifestyle and exercise.

In a recent study performed by the Arthritis Foundation, participants who maintained a regular routine of range-of-motion and low-resistance exercises showed improvement in pain, fatigue and managing their arthritis.

Why Practice Sunday Yoga at Yoga Lounge When I Could Go Jogging?

Any activity such as swimming, walking, water aerobics, or even light jogging would also provide the pain relief benefits associated with physical activity, as well as increased strength, stamina and endurance. All of these forms of exercise will also provide stress-relief and mood-lifting endorphins.

What they will not provide are consistent personal attention, supportive studio environments, and the mood-enhancing and emotional lift that comes from a regular yoga practice.

In an article for Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center, Steffany Haaz, MFA and Registered Yoga Teacher notes “These early studies have shown promising results with some improvement in joint health, physical functioning, and mental/emotional well-being. Perhaps most importantly, yoga has an important positive effect on quality of life.”

Social Support and Structure

The Arthritis Foundation’s study also indicated that the participants felt more confident about the efficacy of the workouts they were doing when it was completed in a structured class. The positive benefits of a regular class structure, schedule and the social support seemed to help the participants’ perceptions about the work and its ongoing benefits.

Though the study was not about yoga, specifically, the various benefits of yoga have been studied and confirmed, and that these same benefits could pass on to arthritis patients is undeniable.

Practice Sunday Yoga at Yoga Lounge for the Long Haul

“People with arthritis may also enjoy yoga more than traditional forms of exercise,” Haaz observes, “and exercise enjoyment is an important predictor of adherence. This is particularly important considering that, on average, 50% of sedentary individuals will drop out of exercise within 6 months. ”

In Yoga Therapy, the student forms a one-on-one relationship with a Yoga Instructor and through a regular, gentle yoga practice that is tailored to the individual, the student safely and steadily gains new ground in terms of emotional health as well as flexibilty, balance and stamina.

Because there are gentle yoga and chair yoga sessions that incorporate the use of props or tools, there is literally no age limit for trying yoga.

Natural Pain Relief

Even professional athletes and movie stars practice Sunday Yoga at yoga lounge to stay fit and free of stiffness and soreness naturally. It is a good addition to proper nutrition, and complementary herbal remedies such as essential oils, vitamins and supplements, antioxidants and cleansing.

Lower Back

yoga lounge

Using yoga as an alternative therapy or as a complementary therapy for arthritis of the lumbar region can increase mobility and flexibility. These poses focus on strengthening and stretching the lower back, giving relief from the pain and stiffness of arthritis.

The body reaps health benefits from any level of expertise in the yoga poses; beginner, intermediate, or advanced. One of the gentlest styles of yoga and best for arthritis is Iyengar, which concentrates on form, and on holding the poses for strength. Anyone can do Iyengar yoga.

Iyengar yoga also uses props, such as blocks, straps, and pillows to help the practitioner engage in the poses. If a person cannot stretch far enough into a pose, then a prop may be used. The exercises should bring a feeling of wellness, and should never feel painful or uncomfortable.

Beginning Poses:

Persons doing yoga for the first time can do these poses.

Marjaryasana, Cat Pose.This gives a gentle stretch to the back muscles.
Utthita Trikonasana, Stretched Triangle Pose, also known simply as Triangle Pose. This pose stretches the leg muscles and relieves backache. Touch the knee if the ankle is too hard to reach.
Utthita Parsvakonasana, Stretched Side Angle Pose. By stretching the back and legs, this pose helps relieve sciatic pain.
Viribadrasana I, II, and III, Warrior Pose, I, II, and III. These poses strengthen the back and leg muscles, resulting in better posture. Standing properly can help reduce arthritis pain.
Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend. Use a strap around the feet to help to stretch the back until the toes can be reached.
Uttanasana, Standing Forward Bend. Hold the elbows and hang forward from the hips with the head facing the knees. Let gravity pull on the spine.
Salabhasana, Locust Pose. This pose increases elasticity in the lumbar region and relieves pain.

Intermediate Poses:

These poses may be done once the person has mastered the beginning poses.

Parivrtta Trinkonasana, Revolved Triangle Pose. A more intense triangle pose, this strengthens the hips and back.
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Revolved Side Angle Pose. This pose increases circulation to the spinal area, while giving an intense stretch.
Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend. Hold on to the big toe and try to rest the head on the knees.
Uttanasana, Standing Forward Bend. Touch the toes with the fingertips, gradually stretching to place the palms flat on the floor.
Ustrasana, Camel Pose. This pose stretches the entire spine and strengthens the buttocks and hamstrings.Place the toes on the floor, and the hands on the heels of the feet.

Advanced Poses:

These poses should be done only after the intermediate poses can be performed with strength and confidence. Continue to do the intermediate poses along with these three variations.

Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend. Reach around the soles of the feet and clasp the hands together.
Uttanasana, Standing Forward Bend. Reach behind the ankles and clasp the hands together.
Ustrasana, Camel Pose. Place the feet flat on the floor, and the palms on the soles of the feet.

These poses are a starting point. A certified yoga teacher, or a book such as Light on Yoga, by B. K. S. Iyengar, are guides to more poses for arthritis. Done on a regular basis, these yoga sequences should help the arthritis sufferer.